Provost's Office
Top ten drama series in ratings. The following is a list of the highest-rated drama series released by TVB in 2014. The list includes premiere week, final week ratings, series finale ratings, as well as the average overall count of live Hong Kong viewers (in millions).
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Hofstra University congratulates the following students for their successful achievement in being named to the Dean's List/Provost's List for the most recent semester. We applaud their impressive success and recognize that past achievement is an excellent predictor of continued future achievement.
Dr. Herman Berliner
Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs
Most Recent: Provost's List Deans's List
Past Lists
Students entering for the fall 2012 semester or thereafter must meet the following requirements:
- must have a GPA of 3.5
- a full-time student must complete at least 12 hours per semester in letter grades other than P and with no grades of INC;
- a part-time student must complete at least 12 hours over his or her two most recent semesters in attendance, must earn letter grades other than P with no grade of INC, and must not have been a full-time student during the period under consideration;
- only courses taken in residence at Hofstra may be used to satisfy the requirements for Dean's List.
Please Note: this list is not final, and will be continually updated as grades are posted.
Fall 2020
Kailey S. Abbott
Maria Abdullah
Leilah R. Abelman
Summiya Abid
Carlton Abosi
Cecil K. Abrams
Katherine Abreu
Michael Acciarino
Moread Achek
Nicholas Acierno
Cesar A. Adames
Christopher O. Adeniji
Ethan X. Adeniran
Mofoluwaso D. Adesanya
Nikhil M. Adhikari
Krista Agostinello
Aaron D. Aguiar
Gurninder K. Ahluwalia
Tiyan A. Ahmad
Fiza Ahmadi
Khavi Ahmed
Nida F. Ahmed
Amudalat A. Ajasa
Paige C. Akalski
Jonathan P. Akl
Joseph Albano
James D. Albrechtsen
Fatima Ali
Humyra A. Ali
Sabrina Ali
Sheza Ali
Suzanne Ali
Aliyah H. Aliahmad
Kchrea Doyl Alindato
Amillian X. Allen
Marlie P. Allen
Peri E. Allen
Emily E. Allocca
Jenna N. Alma
Robyn D. Alma
Alvin G. Almonor
Samantha Aloysius
Madelyn A. Alspaugh
Joseph A. Altomare
Saad D. Amar
Alexa N. Amato
Caitlin E. Amatrudo
Alyssa N. Amatulli
Kayla Amaya
Joanna Ambrosio
Huda Ameen
Usra Amin
Maeve M. Anand
Irene Anastasi
Jack F. Anderson
Alexandria S. Andrade
Alisha Andrews
Sarianna V. Anglero
Grace E. Angrisani
Julia Angrisani
Josephine Anjanette
Vivek Annadata
Matthew F. Annunziata
Daniel Annunziato
Christopher Antoine
Abhiram Appalaneni
Madeline G. Appleton
Bernice Aquino
Martha T. Araba
Fizza Arbab
Alvaro Arce Lopez-Sanchez
William P. Arent
Vivian Argoty
Daniela A. Arguedas
Kidar Arjune
Dorothea Armijos
Mosammat K. Armin
Sidney Armstrong
Matthew Arnold
Peter T. Arnold
Nina S. Arnone
Alec W. Aronson
Vincenzo Asaro
Fareed Asgar
Debra D. Aspromonti
Michael V. Asselta
George T. Astyphidis
Sonika D. Attri
Nia M. Atwater
Hailey P. Aucoin
Alisha Augustine
Lovleen K. Aujla
Anthony Aurigemma
Jennifer Avezov
Andrew Aviles
Patrick M. Avognon
Scott M. Axmacher
Thuzar Aye
Justin Ayotunde
Asma Azam
Randall B. Aziz
Emma R. Bachofer
Gjergji Bacuku
Tyler Badger
Danielys Baez
Victoria A. Baiardi
Genesi T. Bajana
Manjeel Bajgain
Jessica L. Bajorek
Julia E. Baker
Jonathan Bakhshi
Farah Baksh
Isai M. Bala
Sneha Balaji Prabhu
Nina M. Balestieri
Abderrazak Bammou
Gianna Bamonte
Constantinos K. Banagos
Brendan Banayan
Kaitlyn M. Bancroft
Taylor L. Bank
Kenar T. Bannister
Diana Barayev
Danielle A. Barbarito
Christopher Barbera
William C. Baroletti
Juliana M. Barone
Ralph Barone
Amelia Barran
Joseph P. Barrella
Cristian P. Barrera
William Bartels
Caroline N. Bartley
Joseph Bartnicki
Humza M. Bashir
Karl T. Basile Baehr
Kamleen K. Bassi
Christopher Batashoff
Belyssa J. Batista
Juliana M. Battaglia
Sara C. Battaglino
Celeste Battipaglia
Andrew Bauer
Stephen J. Bauer
Thomas J. Bauer
Sarah Baum
Gozde N. Bayraktar
James G. Beale
Sahale Beaudette
Lucas J. Becher
Emily Beck
Alex D. Beckhard-Suozzi
Caitlyn A. Beckwith
Kevin Bell
Olivia M. Bell
Victoria K. Bell
Hailey S. Bellafiore
Daniel A. Bello
Egan K. Bello
Eleanor R. Belvin
Shantal Benitez
Dennette M. Bennett
Adam J. Benomar
Hafsaa S. Benzizoune
Rachel Bergenstock
Blair A. Berlin
Jake Bermudez
Jamel Bernadotte
Rebecca D. Bero
Marc E. Berran
Ernesto A. Bertoli Escalona
Alexandra M. Besecker
Zion L. Bethea
Kathleen A. Bevan
Olivia Bevinetto
Ikjote Bhasin
Sinjita Bhattacharya
Kyle K. Bhiro
Mathias Bien
Tori J. Bien
Rico T. Biggart
Christina Bilotti
Bryant Bily
Christianne Danielle B. Binondo
Antonio Binotto
Peyton E. Birch
Sabrina Birk
William H. Birkdale
Jillian I. Birnbaum
Frank D. Bitetto
Dylan Black
Jacqueline Blain
Devon Blair
Trevor Blaisdell
Roberto Blanco
Devin Blandino
Anthony B. Blando
Sabrina G. Blandon
Madison A. Blank
Jonathan M. Blankopf
Jordyn A. Blau
Emily Blinder
Jack H. Bluth
Hailey A. Bober
Victoria M. Bogacki
Charlotte M. Bohn
Nicholas J. Bohn
Catherine M. Bohnenberger
Luca Bonati
Natasha E. Bonilla
Gabriella N. Bonitto
Alysia S. Boodram
Ralph A. Boscia
Zachary Bossey
Destiny A. Boston
Kerry E. Bostrom
Fiana G. Botkhin
Molly R. Botros
Valerie J. Bouchard
Angelina M. Boudouvas
Joyce P. Bowen
Shannon Boyle
Emily Bradbury
Wendy L. Bradeen
Kyle M. Brambani
Alexandra A. Bramley
Jennifer M. Brandes
Jonathan B. Brandt
Christopher T. Braun
Theodora Brebenel
Rachel Breidbart
Sara H. Briguglio
Dennis Brillantes
Lily A. Brin
Leopold W. Brine
Taylor Bristol
Alexandra M. Brock
Maya R. Brodtman
Darryl S. Brown
Edward W. Brown
Jack Brown
JaKayla A. Brown
Justin R. Brown
Madeline R. Brown
Morgan Brown
Erynne Browning
Alyssa Brucculeri
Sabrina Bryan
Juliet M. Bryce
Ethan Buczel
Uma Budhram
Frank J. Buffolino
Michael A. Buffolino
Laura Buibas
Syed Bukhari
Russell N. Burghard
Alexander C. Burke
Brian P. Burke
Ian A. Burke Perez
Amelie C. Buron
Kiera E. Bussiere
Deanna M. Buzzetta
Robert Byas-Smith
Danae C. Byer
Sophie Bylina
Matthew A. Byrne
Katie L. Byrnes
Hana Cacaj
Francy Caceres
Isabella A. Cairo
Corae Calbert
Maria Calderon Mejia
Richard V. Caldwell
Jonathan C. Calias
Alexander M. Caliendo
Julia Calisto
Caitlin F. Cameron
Joseph F. Campagna
Marco A. Campanelli
Isabella M. Campisi
Julian Campofiori
Anthony E. Canaletich
Ryan T. Cappadona
Michael Cappeller
Isabel G. Cara
Sarah E. Caraballo
Robert A. Caradonna
Sahar Caravan
Lauren Carbonara
Andrew N. Cardell
Francesca Cardenas
Christina A. Cardinal
Yasmin Cardoso
Olivia L. Carhart
Victoria M. Caridi
Roc Carles
Rachel L. Carlin
Paige E. Carmean
Giavanni R. Caroluzzi
Cierra M. Caron
Nicholas S. Carrion
Anthony J. Carroll
Victoria Carrubba
Michelle E. Casab
Isabella N. Cascone
Kelly A. Casey
Robert Casey
Quinn H. Casillas
Brianna S. Cassese
Melanie Cassino
Gianna N. Castagna
Sophia L. Castaldo
Nicolas Castelli
Aiden Castillo
Joshua H. Castronuovo
Aliya Catanzarita
Ashley N. Catapano
Daniel J. Cavallo
Christina Cavallone
Shamma D. Cedieu
Ryan Cela
Gozde Celik
Dylan M. Cenotto
Alyssa Cevetello
Jordan Chacon
Kimberly Chambers
Isabella Chan
Renee Y. Chan
Christopher R. Chang
Mina L. Chang
Rebecca Chang
Michael S. Chao
Jay W. Charon
Kai K. Charron
Sarah H. Chartuk
Jacques L. Chatelain
Nayan Chatterjee
Purva P. Chavda
Arthur Chechelniker
Meghan Checkovich
Duowen Chen
Jennifer Chen
Ryan Chen
Ziliang Chen
Stephanie Cheng
Jazmine Cherrington
Matthew T. Chester
Hugh H. Cheung
Juliette A. Chevalier
William J. Chiang
Leah M. Chiappino
Matthew R. Chiechi
Hannah J. Chin
Yi-Lin Chiu
Abigail A. Chmaj
Joseph Cho
Katherine I. Choma
Victoria Chong
Vedica Chopra
Caroline Chou
Ahmed Choudhry
Briana N. Chousa
Juline S. Chowdhury
Tafani Chowdhury
Tehani Chowdhury
Skylar N. Christian
Louis A. Christiano
Angelina Christophorou
Angelica C. Chryssides
Kira Chu
Matthew L. Chu
Alexis M. Churich
Katherine R. Chwe
Juliet E. Ciani
Christopher Ciarlo
James V. Cicalese
Julia Cichonczyk
Michela Cino
Domenica Cinquemani
Sabino Ciorciari
Catherine J. Cirabisi
Raissa A. Cisse
Efrain Citle Palestino
Alisha G. Ciunci
Jenna E. Clark
Kyla D. Clark
Julia N. Clarke
Amber Clavette
Troy S. Clayman
Maxwell T. Clegg
Eleanor J. Cloutier
Valerie M. Cobos
Jack C. Codera
Daniel Cody
Camille Coelho
Nicholas S. Cogua
Gianna Cohan
Daniel B. Cohen
Lauren N. Cohen
Matthew H. Cohen
Meghan F. Cohen
Noam Cohen
Francesca Collado
Xhuljano Collaku
Lauren Collina
Kasey J. Collins
Sydney Collins
Pamela Collis
Arianna N. Collura
Anaya Colon
Antonella M. Colon
George E. Concannon
Matthew T. Conforti
Cole Conlon
Julia L. Conniff
Madeline G. Connolly
Juliana Contess
Emily M. Conti
Giovanna C. Conti
Kelsey A. Conti
Bianca Convery
Ryan P. Conway
Gabriel Cordero
Riley G. Cordle
Sabrina M. Corpac
Alyssa Correa
Valeria Correa Gomez
Emily A. Correia
Matthew Cosola
Kathryn M. Cotsalas
Natalia L. Cotto
Ian A. Covel
Maximillian J. Coven
Alyse M. Covington
Joel W. Cox
Timothy P. Coyne
Ellis Craig
Corinne E. Crawford
Danielle E. Creedon
Kimberly A. Cribari
Rosin F. Crosby
Siobhan K. Crosby
Quinlan E. Crossley
Alyssa Crowley
Briana E. Crowley
Timothy G. Crowley
Madison C. Crozier
Sean C. Cruess
Alex C. Cruz
Jasmin Cruz
Amelia Cullen
Nicole M. Cullen
Marrakech C. Cunliffe
Brooke Curran
Mercedes A. Currie
Gordon Curry
Salaire T. Cush
Victoria A. Cusumano
Brooke E. Cyr
Caroline Czerwonka
Cristina L. DaCosta
Gurkamal Dadra
Gabrielle D'Alessandro
Angela Dallaris
Corey A. Dalmedo
Jackson D. Dalrymple
Victoria M. Daly
Nicole Damato
Gabriella D'Amico
Jacob A. Dana
Pietro D'Angelo
Yafa N. Daniel
Elena M. Danielo
Alec E. Dano
Jared Z. Dans
Nadya Darocha
Emily M. Darvid
Annesha P. Dasgupta
Breanna A. DaSilva
Simran Datta
Emily N. Daubenspeck
Sneha P. Daulatani
Gaetana D'Auria
Julia Davi
Isaac David
Adeline B. Davis
Brianna D. Davis
Caroline Davis
Raevyn L. Davis
Athena Dawson
Roger M. De Chavez
Gregory V. De Lapi
Madeline J. Deangelis
Alyssa M. DeAngelo
Maxie DeBiso
Francesca M. Decaro
Daniel F. DeCrescenzo
Gianna R. DeFilippis
Leah DeHaemer
Chloe E. Delgado
Robert P. D'Elia
Kyle DeLisi
Joseph M. Dellicurti
Anja M. Dell'Oso
Grace DeLoe
Hannah DeMarco
Melissa DeMarco
James J. DeMarsico
Erin L. Demek
Taylor M. Demers
Ryan P. Demino
Taylor Deneau
Justin Deng
Matthew T. Denien
Tyler J. Denien
Samuel S. Dennis
Jamie R. Densieski
Pavninder S. Deol
Karishma T. Deonandan
Justin D. Deonarine
Allison L. DePaulis
Kate L. DePetro
Thomas Depping
Alma Dervisevic
Layla Dervisevic
Arlinda Dervishaj
Simran R. Desai
Maria T. DeSario
Cecelia DeSimone
Daniel C. DeSimpliciis
Adam Desouky
Nicholas DeStefano
Samantha M. Detweiler
Danica Deutsch
Angad S. Dev
Sebastian Devia
John V. DeVito
Peter Dewar
Jamie Di Angelo
Alexarose Diamond
Austin W. Dick
Julia E. Dickinson-Frevola
Christian G. Dietz
Antonio DiLorenzo
Kaylor D. Dimes
Athina Dimitriadis
Rosemarie DiPaola
Olivia DiPietro
Gianna R. Direda
Elena DiStefano
Rocco A. Distefano
Katherine G. Distler
Juliet E. DiTaranto
Nicholas W. Ditrano
Antonio F. DiVanna
Richard Do
Allen B. Doelue
Nolan G. Doerzbacher
Amanda Doherty
Ronia D. Dolabany
Kevin L. Dolan
Daniel Domicolo
Matthew J. Dominello
Ninneth R. Dominguez
Ryan Donaldson
Haoyu Dong
Vicky Dong
Jesika M. Donney
Hailie M. Dono
Anthony D'Onofrio
Audra Doolin
Samantha Doornebos
Jordan A. Dorfman
Matthew J. Dorn
Jessica R. Doucette
Jahi Douglas
Averee R. Dovsek
Kristin N. Doyon
Ryan C. Drew
Maggie J. Dries
Laila G. Drosman
Joshua A. Druz
Marisa Drzewiecki
Danielle H. DuBois
Jordan Dubroy
Emily Duffy
Memunatu Dumashie
Kaitlyn G. Dumont
Tyler J. Dunat
Ross Dunsky
Zachary R. Duren
Dean C. Dusharme
Sophia L. Dwyer
Thera Dyte
Kaitlyn J. Eagar
Cora O. Easton
Amanda C. Ebbesson
Samuel C. Eccles
Jazmine D. Echevarria
Haley Ecker
Julia Eckhardt
Radcliffe Edmonds
Brett Effman
Caitlin Egan
Mason S. Egdall
Ella R. Eisman
Allison K. Ekberg
Joseph T. Elarde
Matthew C. Elder
Timothy L. Eletto
Ayten M. El-Hennawy
Marie-Constance R. Elizee
Lina Elkirm
Katie E. Elkowitz
Lucas N. Ellaboudy
Jonjay O. Elliott
Donald E. Ellis
Brendan C. Elrick
Annalisa F. Emmett
Kristen Enea
Margaret Engel
Livia R. Eppell
Victoria L. Erdman
Micaela M. Erickson
Kaitlyn Escobar
Ahmad Z. Esmaelsadah
Olivia Espinoza
Gabriela A. Espinoza Merino
Arianna Esposito
Gianna L. Esposito
Nicholas A. Esposito
Alison Estey
Eunice Estimar
Alex Eugene
Colette Euksuzian
Reina S. Eustache
Gillian Evers
Emily Ewing
William R. Faber
Caroline M. Fabian
Emma J. Fabilli
Jonathan M. Fainberg
Hannah S. Farbstein
Zachary W. Faretra
Kameron Farhadi
Zayan Farhat
Carlos H. Farini
Isabella R. Farino
Olivia C. Farmer
Luke Farrell
Christian R. Farrelly
Amanda M. Fassbender
Gabriela Fatscher
Jason Fauser
Emmah Federman
Juliana Feeney
Arian Feghhi
Courtney R. Fegley
Andrew J. Feigenbaum
Danielle M. Feldman
Dary Felix
Josh V. Fenster
Katherine M. Fenton
Diante M. Ferguson
Kendyll Ferguson
Kevon A. Fernando
Andrew Fernie
Steven Ferrantello
Gina Ferrara
Samantha M. Ferrara
David S. Ferreiro
Clara J. Ferrer-Perry
Michael R. Ferrigno
Liam P. Ferris
Nicole A. Ferris
Elissa Fielding
Katerina Fileas
Francesca Filiberti
Michael S. Filoso
Nicholas J. Fine
Eliorah Finkelson
Christina L. Finkenzeller
Maximillian D. Finocchi
Kayla M. Finsterbusch
Amelia Firestone
Rachel N. Fisch
Arianna P. Fisher
David J. Fisher
Mary Fitamant
Jade E. Fitt
Edward G. Fitzgerald
Caitlin M. Fitzpatrick
John C. Fitzpatrick
Sean S. Flaherty
Naomi Fleurima
Benjamin W. Floch
Graziella Flynn
Matthew T. Flynn
Dorothea C. Fogel
Emily V. Fontanetta
Camilla B. Fontini
Ahjane Forbes
Elisabeth D. Ford
Erin Ford
Thomas Ford
Megan M. Forst
Emma R. Forsyth
Riley M. Forte
Samantha O. Fortmeyer
Melina Fotiadis
Cassidy M. Fowler
Spencer M. Fowler
Heather Fragen
Anthony Joseph France
Antonio L. Franceschini
Brooklyn Francis
Grant Francis
Reginna Francois
Rachel E. Frank
Sydney P. Frank
Paul Franzetti
David Frattaroli
Nathaniel Y. Frederick
Thomas W. Freely
Aitana V. Freire
Alexis G. Friedman
Matthew T. Friedman
Zoe R. Friedman
Marlene J. Fries
Nathaniel M. Frydrych
Janice H. Fu
Rebecca L. Fulman
Morgan S. Furstenberg
Derek A. Futterman
Livia F. Futterman
Alexis S. Gabel
Jordan T. Gairey
Olivia R. Galante
Abigail Galette
Christian Galicia Rosales
Lucia Galindo
Camryn Gallagher
Jay B. Gallagher
Katharine T. Gallati
Bartholomew L. Galletta
Nicole R. Gallina
Catherine G. Gallo
John Gallo
Jakes A. Gamache
Celine C. Gambuzza
Urvi Gandhi
Alexa Gandolfo
Yunzhi Gao
Cerena Garber
Benjamin G. Garces
Christina E. Garcia
Leivys M. Garcia
Ryan Garcia
Edward C. Gardner
Madison R. Garraffo
Emma D. Gartenstein
Destiny N. Garvin
Sarah E. Gascho
Fotini Gatzonis
Ariel Gavrielov
Alicia M. Gavzy
Victoria J. Gaylor
Connor Gaynor
Victoria A. Gelato
Jillian D. Geller
Gabriella Gentile
Juliana Gentile
Aaron S. George
Katherine George
Ryan George
Jacob L. Gerbman
Will A. Germaine
Jennifer L. Giaccone
Kaitlyn Giaccone
Daniel V. Giancioppo
Grace Giannatsis
Jake Giannone
Maximilian J. Gibson
Sarah E. Gibson
Sarah Gieger
Carter Gil De Rubio
Joseph K. Gilberto
Spencer H. Giles
Andrew Gilman
Meghan E. Gioia
Mariana V. Giordan
Meghan Giordano
Melina S. Giorgou
Andrew Giovinazzo
Miguel A. Giral
Anna K. Girhart
Kristen S. Girschick
Nina J. Glawe
Michael J. Glover
Nicole Glushanok
Olivia Golebiewski
William Gomes
Elizabeth G. Gomez
Nicole V. Gomez Negron
Max Gonera
Christine Gonzalez
Jaclyn A. Gonzalez
Matthew Gonzalez
Raven I. Gonzalez
Mckenna Goodall
Anne M. Goode
Jack Goodman
Nicole A. Gorbenko
Mitchell Goren
Nicole Goris
Yefim O. Gorodnitskiy
Elyse Gottuk
Rowan M. Gouda
Riley D. Goulet
Theodore M. Graber
Alexandra Grabias
Ava Grace
Logan A. Grasso
Justin Graver
Meghan B. Graves
Sarah V. Graziano
Angela M. Greco
Erin M. Green
Madelyne J. Greenberg
Tyler J. Greenberg
Shelby L. Greenslade
Anna Greenwald
Shane M. Griggs
Camilla Grimaldi
Jonathan Grimes
Michael Grinberg
Jocelyn D. Gritton
Frances M. Grochowski
Valeria Gromova
Hannah L. Grontas
Karleigh Groves
Noah D. Gruder
Hannah N. Grynberg
Adriana M. Guarascio
Beatrice Guarda Nardini
Britney M. Guedes
Justin J. Guerra
Omar Guerrero
Daniela Guido
Raquel Guimaraes
Molly Guinen
Andreas Gukeisen
Soumya Gullapalli
Nicolle Gutierrez Ospina
Eduardo Guzman
Olivia Haas
Donald Hagemann
Alyson C. Hager
Melanie Haid
Layla A. Hakimzadeh
Stephanie M. Hallahan
Keara E. Hallam
Josephine Hammond
Amelia R. Hancik
Colton B. Hanna
Rowan M. Hanna
Rachel E. Hansen
Daniel Harchut
Tarek S. Harhash
Thomas J. Harkins
Abigail G. Harney
Shai Har-Nov
Stephen V. Harrington
Christian D. Harris
Olivia J. Harrison
Margaret E. Hart
Danielle R. Harvey
Stephan Hatchett
Shannon Hattie
Austin J. Hauck
Abigail Haugh
Louise Hayden
Derek R. Haynie
Jade M. He
Yaya He
Amanda N. Heald
Nathan J. Hebert
Liel Hedvat
Melanie Heeralal
Christopher Heilig
Claire S. Helfman
Reece B. Heller
Sage W. Heller
Corinne Hemmer
Amani J. Henderson
Emma Hennings
Jillian Henrique
Aidan J. Henry
Isabel J. Hepp
Andrea N. Hernandez
Bryan Herrera
Isabela R. Herrera
Mark Herron
Alexander Hertler
Hunter Higgins
Marilena M. Hilas
Olivia Hillebrand
Jessica V. Hillel
Jaylen A. Hines
Jazlin Hinnant
Rachel Hirsch
Christopher Ho
Mie Hoff
Jeffrey Hoffman
Annabel Hofmann
Ian M. Hogan
Christopher Holder
Drew T. Holder
Hope Holmes
Sarah A. Holmes
Victoria T. Holton
Lucy C. Holubeck
Skylar R. Homan
Tianna H. Honeycutt
Jett H. Hope
Elizabeth Horishny
Alexa Horn
Anneliese J. Horowitz
Michael Hotaling
Karissa E. Hough
Julia J. House
Andrew T. Howard
Olivia P. Howard
Justin A. Hoyle
Jinyi Hu
Amanda Huang
Bo Huang
Samantha Huard
Senya Huda
Harry J. Hughes
Matthew B. Hughs
Alanna A. Huling
Jacob Huller
Jasraj K. Hundal
Taylor M. Hunsaker
Christopher J. Hunter
Kaitlyn Hunter
Elizabeth Hurlburt
Emma Husk
Arej Hussain
Fawwaz B. Hussain
Ifrat Hussain
Usman Hussain
Thoren K. Hyde
Oluwafikunayomi O. Ibironke
Natalie D. Idone
Maryfaustina Ifezue
Simon L. Ignat
Kamryn C. Ilgner
Hannah N. Imperial
Javaria Imran
Sonia Inderjit
Michael R. Indomenico
Cleary-Sorelle-Ketia Ineza
Sarah Infante
Pierce J. Infuso
Courtney A. Ingalls
Julianna Iovino
Victoria Ippoliti
Sabrina M. Iraggi
Jaida J. Irving
Erika Isaacs
Foijul Islam
Adam J. Israel
Anushka Itwaria
Elena V. Izbor
Kadaline E. Jackel
Jason F. Jackrel
Shawn Jackson
Julianne R. Jacobson
Ali S. Jafri
Rahul Jaggi
Julia Jaklik
Arsalan Jamal
Gabrielle James
Jabel James
Alvi Jamil
Kelsey C. Janaski
Christie Janiec
Graciela N. Jaskille
Mercedes Jasterzenski
Georgelyne Jean-Pierre
Jazmin B. Jedrzejczyk
Ashley M. Jelicks
Kyle Jenkin
Christopher Jerez
Shaynah Jerman
Alexandra N. Jerreld
Akash Jha
Samuel Jhan
Weiman Jiang
Fatima G. Jimenez
Aleena G. Joggy
Morgan E. Johanson
Anna M. John
Chyanne K. John
Sashane D. John
Alexandra K. Johnson
Brittany Johnson
Chareina Johnson
Deondre J. Johnson
Lauren Johnson
Lauren N. Johnson
Morriah I. Johnson
Jasmine Jones
Kayla Jones
Lyric Jones
Keziah M. Joseph
Sabrina Josephson
Fareza A. Juman
Alexa M. Jung
Elisabeth Kac
Eleni Kachadoorian
Katherine Kachkarov
Fatin Kader Fardin
Steven G. Kaenzig
Jacqueline L. Kaider
Finn Kairer
Ruth M. Kamgang
Alisa Kandhai
Jordan Kanner
Julianna Kantor
Ester Kaplan
Devpriya Kar
Mariha Karim
Matthew T. Karl
Jonah M. Karpinski
Neetha Kasala
Simon Kasbari
Jason P. Kaseram
Daniel Kashani
Alexander Kasper
Meredith Kass
Tiffany S. Kassem-Benchimol
Brendan P. Kaston
William J. Katartzis
Aanchal Katyal
Benjamin Katz
Emily R. Kaufman
Anna Kaufmann
Bhavsuprit Kaur
Ettiman Kaur
Gurjeet Kaur
Kavleen Kaur
Kushampreet Kaur
Manpreet Kaur
Navneet Kaur
Punit G. Kaur
Simranjit Kaur
Simrit Kaur
Danielle M. Keane
Phoebe J. Keenan
Olivia J. Keena-Ross
Jesse Kellogg
Donald Kelly
James T. Kelly
Katherine M. Kelly
Kaylee M. Kelsey
Maya Kemp
Caroline E. Kendrick
Allyson A. Kenny
Sydney S. Kenton
Ruth E. Kerber
Darci G. Kerce
Christine A. Kern
Devin Kern
Nicole I. Kerr
Zachary Kerzner
Benjamin Kessler
Anton Khaimov
Natalie Khait
Adil Khalid
Aden Khan
Ammad N. Khan
Anisah N. Khan
Hesham Khan
Tyler S. Khanschassoff
Cenna Khatib
Ruchika Khindri
Sehr Khokhar
Nicole Wedad I. Khouryawad
Fahtima B. Khwaja
Safah Khwaja
Shaqur Khwaja
Christopher D. Killen
Dylan G. Kilmetis
Erin J. Kim
Jamie Kim
Jenna B. Kim
Joseph Kim
Kelly Kim
Nia S. King
Robert Kinnaird
Kaitlyn A. Kinnard
Hannah J. Kinne
Charlotte Kirk
Miles A. Klass
Alexandra C. Kline
Brittany A. Klub
Aliyah T. Knight
Charlotte M. Knight
Gaia E. Knight
Michael A. Koellner
Zachary Koerner
Shannen Kogos
Miles C. Kohler
Elizabeth F. Kokotos
Abigail Kolakowski
Priya M. Kolar
Heather R. Kolatac
Sin Yi Rachel Kong
Erika A. Korbusieski
Tomer H. Kort
Tiffany Kosek
Naomi M. Kovoor
Abigail M. Kozaczynski
Joseph R. Kozhimala
Patrick W. Kraft
Dubravka Krakovic
Matthew Krangle
Helena Krawlzik
Mackenzie R. Krestul
Samantha E. Kritzberg
Nicholas J. Kropp
Reese W. Krueger
Christopher G. Ku
Olivia Kuch
Kevin Kuliner
Nana Adjoa A. Kum
Rahul Kumar
Sanjana Kumar
Stephen Kurtis
Alvin E. Kuruvilla
Kira Kusakavitch
Kennedi Kutz
Tara M. Lacognata
Ashley C. Lafontant
Jamie M. LaGattuta
Nicholas H. LaGrega
Jessica J. Laguerre
John Lainis
Steven H. Lakatos
Aadhya Lal
Farah Lalla
Sherene A. Lambert
Khadiza I. Lamia
Ethan Lander
Jake T. Lang
Zachary E. Lang
Grace Langella
Valerie R. Langlois
Angelique L. Lari
Charlotte Larkin
Francis X. Larkin
Allegra Larrea
Camila Larsson
Noel F. Lassandro
Margo S. Latty
Alexander J. Lauletta
Michael A. Lauria
Katelyn Lavdas
Spencer M. Lavin
Zachary S. Lavoie
Tyler J. LaVorgna
Nicole Lawson
Sanaia Layne
David Lazar
Lina M. Lazaro-Leon
Ryder I. Lazo-Dunnihoo
Ethan R. Leacock
Irene C. Leary
Chloe Leatherman
Alison C. Leavey
Katelin A. Leavey
Bryn E. Lebet
Tess LeConey
Caitlin R. Lee
Darien N. Lee
Isis M. Lee
Rachel A. Lee
Rachel A. Lees
Dalton Leight
Madison Lema
Emily Lemieux
Michael B. LeMonda
Kaitlin T. Leo
Amanda Leonard
Annemarie LePard
Connor M. L'Eplattenier
Maggie R. L'Eplattenier
Amanda C. Lepurage
Hannah L. L'Etoile
Anna S. Lettera
Olivia V. Lev
Carli Levethan
Brynne Levine
Jade I. Leviton
Raviv Levone
Michael R. Levy
Naomi M. Levy
Andrew P. Lewis
Jacob A. Lewis
Jayda Lewis
Ryan Y. Li
Serena Li
Zhilin Li
Zongfan Li
Evan Licari
Isabella G. Licata
Nicolas R. Licata
Victoria C. Lieber
Arianna Liebowitz
Talia Lifschutz
Olivia F. Limeri
Felippe Lin
Julie F. Lind
Jesse L. Lindell
Kyle Linsley
Zane Lipson
Ashley J. Lisa
Nicolette P. Lisa
Victoria A. Lisa
Jordan R. Littleboy
Ruilin Liu
Malissa Llivichuzhca
Oriana M. Lo Presti
Amanda Lobato
Gabrielle R. LoBue
Isabella M. LoBue
Juliana E. Logan
Nicole C. Logan
Samuel A. Lombara
Makenna P. Lonergan
Sara Long
Daniel Lopes
Evan A. Lopes
Adrianne Lopez
Alvin Y. Lopez-Marin
Katerina LoPresti
Talia Lorenzatti
Cristina A. LoSardo
Lianna LoSardo
Hannah Lovitt
Kaylah Y. Lovitts
Ariana J. Lowe
Isabelle H. Lowenkron
Lillian Lu
Yanxiu Lu
Michael D. Luca
Jenna Lucarello
Harrison J. Ludwig
Esteban Luengo
Gabrielle E. Luftschein
Avery J. Lugares
Mary Lungu
Rachel M. Luscher
Samuel Lutfi
Amanda M. Luyber
Camrin E. Lyles
LeeAnn A. Lyttle
Yimeng Ma
Holger T. Maaloe
Zanita-Zofia X. Maawac
Hannah L. MacDonald
Grace MacFadyen
Cariann M. Mackie
Ishan Madan
Crystal Madray
Christopher J. Madsen
Amanda Maffucci
Andrew Maglio
Sierra Mahabir
Bailey Mahoney
Jonathan Mahrt Guyou
Vineet Malhotra
Miranda M. Maliszka
Anthony L. Malizia
Brian Malloy
Tomasz Mamro
Joseph N. Mancuso
Nicole L. Mandy
Claudia Mangiamele
Nicholas Mango
Jessica A. Mannhaupt
Julia Manwaring
Gianna K. Marasco
Justin M. Marcus
Maria E. Margaritis
Sophia E. Margaritis
Gabby D. Mariblanca Garcia
Gabriella M. Marinelli
Rita I. Marinello
Michael Marino
Rebecca R. Marks
Emily E. Marmolejos
Ashley MarquezVillanueva
Janelle-Ashley D. Marrero
Ella Marsh
Dalton Marshall
Marissa M. Marta
Emily A. Marti
Michele Martin
Tyler R. Martineau
Briggeth Martinez
Caitlyn E. Martinez
Sydney Martinez
Mathias N. Martínez
Olivia A. Martino
Ana Martinovic
Sophia N. Masciarelli
Nicholas A. Mascioli
Noah A. Masi
Rory M. Masi
Isabella Massucci
Anthony D. Masters
Sean Masterson
Alisa N. Mastrandrea
Natia Matcharashvili
Alyssa M. Mathew
Cristian Mathew
Chloe Matland
Alyssa M. Mattera
Elaine Mayer
Matthew Mayer
Kimberly C. Mayo
Rebecca Maysonet
Julianna N. Mazur
Lacy Mc Intyre
Patrick R. McCabe
Alexa A. McCall
John McCarthy
Kelly McCarthy
Sarah McCarthy
Alena McClary
Margo A. McCormack
Abigail McCormick
Reese S. McCormick
Patrick McCrossen
Marcus McDermott
Ashlyn G. McDonald
Jordyn A. McDonnell
Sami McDonnell
Shannon N. McFadden
Ross R. McFarland
Alivia C. McGarry
Shannon McGavin
Madison T. McGee
Joseph M. McGinty
Jamie McGovern
Benjamin D. McGowan
Jessaia J. McGriff
Dylan M. Mcintosh
Kayla N. McKechnie
Erin E. Mckendry
Michael T. McKenna
Alicia A. McKenzie
Katelyn C. McKevitt
William J. McNamara
Momodou D. Mcqueen
Jamie L. McSorley
Gianna Medici
Adriana E. Medina
Andres R. Medina
Brianna Medina Sacchetti
Erika M. Medina-Munoz
Drashti Mehta
Priyanka Mehta
Shivangi Mehta
Heather A. Meigel
Julliana Mejia
Donita Mekaj
Mark D. Melchin
Douglas J. Melgar
Michael J. Mellone
Tania Melnyk
Mark H. Melton
Antonio A. Mendez
Dario R. Mendez
Jayson Mendoza
Michelle Mengual
Saddaf Menhaji
Taylor R. Mennella
Demetra Menoudakos
Madison S. Mento
Alexandra M. Mercaldo
Madeline Merinuk
Christopher B. Merro
Andrew Mesick
Nicholas L. Metro
Jonathan Meyer
Ritika M. Michael
Ellen Mierzejewski
Anthony J. Mihailidis
Sophia Mihalatos
Karema Mikhail
John M. Mikolaicyk
Stephen Millar
Ally C. Miller
Bridget Miller
Jenna N. Miller
Julia C. Miller
Kevin B. Miller
Shenelle Miller
Kethry A. Milne
Julia N. Minafo
Elisa Mingo
Syed Muhammad Minhal
Amanjeet K. Minhas
Harpreet S. Minhas
Christopher J. Miniaci
Alyssa Minkoff
Stephanie Minutillo
Jackson O. Mirmina
Arman Mirshamsi
Jawad Mirza
Simran P. Mistry
Kristina K. Mitchell
Momina Miyan
Lauren S. Mizrahi
Guido Modano
Andrew D. Moerschel
Antonia Moffa
Jaden Moffitt
Vinayaa N. Mohabeer
Brandon Mohabir
Melissa D. Mohabir
Anjali Mohan
Joey Mohsen
Alyssa Molina
Henry Molina
Isabella A. Molina
Josselyne D. Molina
Matteo A. Mollano
Abigail G. Mongello
Alexandra Montana
Lauren K. Monteiro
Rylee K. Montelione
Katie R. Montoya
Caitlin E. Mooney
Charles S. Moore
Damien Moore
Justyn D. Moore
Sarah C. Moore
Harrison C. Moores
Rozitta Moradi
William K. Moraga
Sandra Morales
Anthony J. Morante
Ryan J. Morash
Eric Moreno
Maria D. Moreno Suarez
Christopher A. Morgan
Daniel W. Morgan
Taylor M. Morgan
Christina Morgana
Isabella F. Morich
Aidan Morin
Jonila Morina
Takaaki Morita
Bridget Morris
Rachel L. Morris
Kieran Morrisey
D'Hannah Marie M. Morrison
Riley Morrison Deutsch
Brianna A. Morse
Ackeima Z. Moulton
Courtney M. Moyer
William W. Mozingo
Tyler J. Mroczek
Gianna M. Mucaria
Meredith Muirhead
Abbey-Lyn E. Muise
Gabrielle C. Mull
Alma Mullalli
Ryan Mullaly
Lilly R. Mullaney
Michelle O. Mullin
Nicole A. Mullin
Thomas Mulvey
Matthew Munro
Owen T. Munzenrider
Matthew Murawski
Andrew Murdolo
Rebecca Murphy
Caitlin Murray
Grace Murray
Nata Mushkudiani
Sidrah Nadeem
Megan Naftali
Julia Nager
Bryan Nankoo
Luke Napolitano
Zarnab R. Naqvi
Antonia M. Nargentino
Kevin Naska
Mia V. Natalizio
Hannah R. Nathanson
Caroline A. Nault
Rosario-Marie L. Navalta
Rachel S. Navarro
Aissatou Ndiour
Alexandra M. Neely
Ciara Negron
Max Nelkens
Victoria Nelkina
Deandre C. Nelson
Davina N. Newell
Alanna E. Newman
Jessica Ng
Hailey Ngo
Jackie Ngo
Long L. Nguyen
Alex Niego
Randy Niego
Thomas Nielsen
Holdan D. Nieves
Yusuke Nishitani
Obed Nkum
Lorenzo D. Noel
Daniel Nogid
Charles R. Norton
Matthew R. Novella
Hailey-Rose Nunez
Caroline Nuttall
Ngaraeze Nwankwo
Alexandria Obdyke
David E. O'Brien
Emily K. O'Brien
Frankie O'Brien
Shannon K. O'Brien
Justin K. Obrycki
Ashley O'Connell
Hannah O'Connell
Isabelle I. Oestman
Stephanie V. Ogman
Connor T. O'Grady
Rachel H. Ohana
Michael O'Hanlon
Nicolette O'Keefe
Cameron R. Okoneski
Shawn Olcese
Alexander Oleschuk
Dylan E. Olsen
Zahra S. Omairat
Kelly O'Malley
Michael P. O'Malley
Joyce E. Omolayo
Jacqueline A. O'Neill
Julie O'Neill
Roger G. Orellana
Gerson Orosco
Jordalin J. Ortega
Saray M. Ortiz
Marlyn S. Ortiz Ariza
Kathryn M. Osborn
Leila Osman
Alexa Osner
Sadie Ostad
Kiera L. O'Sullivan
Christopher Ottusch
Alina G. Ousman
Matthew D. Ovington
Danielle Oweis
Taranveer S. Pabla
Amanda J. Pacchiana
Victoria Padavona
Madalyn Padlo
Ryan J. Pagano
Elizabeth A. Page
Christian Palazzotto
Emilee L. Palmer
Steven Panagoulias
Andrew J. Panetta
Nina Panos
Rachel Pao
Kristen B. Papach
Vasoula E. Papageorge
Leanna M. Papia
Lauren A. Paquet
Samuel P. Paradis
Victoria M. Parangelo
John Paraskevas
Libelys Paredes
Daniel Parente
Kaitlin Parente
Thomas Parisi
Sungbin Park
Daisy Parker
Ashwinder K. Parmar
Alyssa D. Parrella
Harrison R. Partenio
Steven A. Partland
Tahmid M. Parvez
Deanna Pasqueralle
Brianna I. Passaro
Isabella Passik
Hemangi P. Patel
Lai D. Patel
Richa Patel
Sachi Patel
Shail R. Patel
Sean M. Paton
Angelo J. Patrizi
Alice Patry
Chase Patterson
Kaitlyn M. Patton
Alexa L. Paturzo
Allison H. Paul
Michelle B. Pavloff
Rasheen Peacock
Chloe J. Pearson
Margaret G. Peck
Vincent A. Pecoraro
Hunter M. Pelecky
Daniella Pelkonen
Emma R. Pelletier
Annalisa C. Pena
Sharde A. Pennyfeather
Domenico Pensa
Joshua Pepe
Lucas Pepin
Alexandra R. Pereira
Ashley Pereira
Ruth Pereira
Bryan T. Perez
Hannah Perez
Tanaya K. Perez
Madelynn A. Perkins
Kaylee R. Perkowski
Alexandria M. Perla
Joseph Perna
Kaitlyn D. Perniciaro
Marianne Perrino
Amanda L. Perrone
Savanna Perry
Ashlyn A. Persaud
Dylan Persaud
Emily D. Persaud
Sean D. Persaud
Nicholas J. Peters
Ryan J. Peterson
Barbara L. Petillo
Joseph A. Petillo
Gregory N. Petralia
James E. Petrancosta
Giacomo Pezzoli
Catherine Pfeiffer
Daniel Pfeiffer
Mason B. Pfendler
Meredith Pfennig
Emily A. Pfeuffer
Avery S. Pflieger
Huan H. Pham
James P. Philbin
Allen Philip
Joshua Z. Philip
Erynn T. Phillips
Jenna C. Piccinone
Ella C. Pickell
Grace H. Picone
Sarah E. Pierre
Nicole B. Pietrafesa
Jordan Piht
Stephen C. Pike
Lucas R. Pino
Danny F. Pires
Jack B. Pires
Christopher J. Piritsch
Ryan J. Pittman
Abigail L. Pitts
Brian W. Pitts
Samantha L. Place
Rosmany Placeres
Tyler A. Platt
Emily Plevritis
Francis G. Poeta
Talene Pogharian
Jessica L. Poley
Alexander Politano
Nicole E. Politano
Gabriella Polito
Matthew D. Polo
Alec D. Poppenga
Olivia L. Porambo
Grace Poster
Rachel H. Potula
Daniel Potz
Vincent M. Povinelli
William T. Pragias
Alicia D. Premdas
Madeline M. Pressman
Julia Presti
Elise M. Prete
Joseph D. Prete
Michael A. Prete
Daniel Prisciandaro
Anna Proft
Kerem Proulx
Dominic Pryor
Nicholas Ptak
Jonathan Puffer
Anthony J. Pugliese
James E. Pugliese
Grace A. Pupke
Ashley Purpura
Dominick F. Pursino
Alexander Quinones
Aleena Qureshi
Yasmeen T. Qureshi
Shloka A. Rach
Kaylee R. Rademacher
Sarah R. Radichel
James N. Raglow-DeFranco
Zachary J. Rago
Jumana Rahman
Lamia Rahman
Adam B. Rahmanan
Victoria Raimondi
Emily Raissis
Ambrose Rajendran
Anthony H. Rama
Adam K. Ramasre
Nadia Ramasre
Karishma Ramcharan
Damali Ramirez
Jason Ramirez
John M. Ramirez
Elian Ramos
Leslie E. Ramos
Emily K. Ramprasad
Lilliana M. Ramsay
Olivia Ramthun
Zoya Ramzan
Mikaila A. Rattazzi
Ali Raza
Anam Raza
Rida Raza
Suzanne V. Razeq
Benjamin Re
Michael J. Realmuto
Thomas J. Reardon
Ariana J. Rebello
Nicholas R. Recchione
Maria A. Reccoppa
Devin M. Reck
Allison N. Reddy
Tanisha R. Reddy
Kaitlyn E. Redican
Davynntayne R. Reed
Kathleen Reed
Robbi L. Reed
Trinity R. Reed
Kevin L. Reichardt
Harley R. Reid
Devon A. Reilley
Meghan E. Reilly
Nicole Reinstein
Amanda Reise
Jonathan A. Reksono
Angelica C. Relacion
Julia R. Rellstab
Devon P. Reminick
Sabrina Remusat
Jessica Ren
Alicia C. Renda
Faith Renner
Melissa Restrepo
Alexa Reusch
Alexis Reveyoso
Samantha Reyes
Larry Rhabb
Ashley Riboul
JoAnna A. Ricaurte
Arielle Ricca
Jenna N. Ricci
Joleen T. Ricci
Logan T. Ricciardi
Julia A. Riccobono
Samantha E. Rich
Isabella B. Richards
Tahlia D. Richards
Michael J. Richardson
Adriana Ricottone
Andrew Ridler
Claire Riley
Taylor L. Riller
Gianna Rinaldi
Nathalie Rincon
Jean-Michelle Ripley-Grier
Ashlei Rivera
John A. Rivera
Matthew C. Rivera
Taylor L. Rivera Hagarty
Sydni A. Rivero
Andre E. Rizzuto
Anthony J. Roberts
Rachel Roberts
Kayla A. Robertson
Samantha R. Robillard
Elise A. Robley
Louis Robustelli
Isabella T. Rocha
Julian R. Rocha
Alexa Roche
Noah B. Rochman
Paige A. Rocker
Amarys C. Roden
Caitlin M. Rodgers
Hailey A. Rodgers
A'Neil K. Rodney
Katelyn M. Rodriguez
Max N. Rodriguez
Ana S. Rodriguez Macias
Natalia Rogala
Alexus J. Rogers
Kathryn L. Rogers
Aaron M. Rojan
Charlize S. Rojas
Michael J. Roller
Nicolette A. Rollino
Vanessa M. Rollo
Bailey Roman
Isaiah D. Roman
Gabrielle Romano
Zack Ronis
Lauren G. Rook
Robert M. Rooney
Kevin Rosa
Karina Rosario
Emily M. Rose
Kelly Rose
Sydney M. Rose
Abby C. Rosenberg
Stella Rose-Wyatt
Erin M. Rosner
Jessica Ross
Ray D. Rostum
Stephanie Rosvoglou
Hannah D. Rowe
Blaise Rowlands
Arunima Roy
Preya Roy
Ryan Roy
Devin J. Roye
Adam R. Ruben
Matthew J. Rubenfeld
Jaycee Ruberti
Avery A. Rudd
Caroline Rudd
Benjamin A. Rudgayzer
Joshua S. Rudgayzer
Roxann R. Rudolfsky
Jessica Ruff
Cynthia A. Ruiz
Daniela A. Ruiz
Kevin R. Ruiz
Lauren M. Rupsis
Emily P. Rush
Briauna N. Rushin
Andrew J. Russo
Julia A. Russo
Kyle Russo
Nicole Russo
Patrick J. Russo
Stephanie Russo
Emily Ruthven
Corinne E. Rutkowski
Kristen R. Ruzicka
Tyler Ruzicka
Marlana M. Ryan
Shanna L. Ryan
Taylor A. Ryan
Shane C. Sackichand
Nabeel M. Sadik
Jake S. Safuto
Sharamistha Saha
Erfan Saif
Jasmeet Saini
Manisha Saini
Roddyna Saint-Paul
Allison Sajkoski
Jenna N. Sakol
Ivanna F. Salazar
Hasan A. Saleh
Jillian C. Salis
Elias Salmeron
Valerie T. Salvemini
Nicole Salvo-Schaich
Sarah Samad
Joseph Sammartano
Eglah Samuel Assefa
Christiana Sanacore
Amalia M. Sanchez
Brian L. Sanchez
Brianna N. Sanchez
Kaithlyn Sanchez
Laiba Sandhu
Jonathan Sanelli
Lauren T. Sanford
Ashley G. Santiago
Danielle Santora
Brandon Santos
Gillian B. Santos
Joaquin G. Santos-Moran
Jessica Saoulidis
Grace Sapienza
John D. Sargent
Stephanie Sarmiento
Indira Sarran
Jillian P. Sarro
Liliana J. Saunders
Alexa M. Sautter
Jenna Scaglione
Diana J. Scagluso
Liana Scala
Elena Scarano
Weston S. Scheck
Grace M. Schene
Anthony J. Schiano
Jalen Schlosberg
Richard I. Schmachtenberg
Alyssa B. Schmidek
Walton Schmidt
Christine Schmiemann
Griffin C. Schmoyer
Julia Schneider
Benjamin Schoelkopf
Sara Schonmann
Matthew Schramm
Gina M. Schratz
Aidan Schreiner
Gabrielle Schroeder
Kevin G. Schutte
Molly S. Schwan
Luke K. Schwengel
Evan Sciortino
Michael T. Scott
Chloe E. Sedlar
Dalton Seesz
Lydia M. Seiling
Chloe A. Selznick
Michael S. Senatore
Jaime E. Senetto
Grace M. Sengstock
Shayna Sengstock
Corinne P. Serrian
Skylar E. Shagan
Justin R. Shah
Trisha Shah
Rahme Shahed
Julia M. Shahem
Khabiba Shahid
David Shaker
Joshua B. Shamash
Shafeena Sharak
Afsah Shareef
Aakriti Sharma
Esha Sharma
Jasmine K. Sharma
William R. Shaughnessy
Megan Shellock
Chenbo Shen
Jade Shepardson
Lucy M. Shepherd
Amelia K. Sherman
Georgia Shevitt
Matthew J. Shieh
Cozette R. Shields
Yonghyeon Shin
Zoe A. Shipenberg
Navita Shivsawak
Tetyana Shkandriy
Erica T. Shoulson
Dylan Shu
Sarah Shulman
Tulsi L. Shyamsundar Jipp
Courtney Siegel
Robert P. Sieger
Angela Sierra
Tiara L. Sietas
Samantha M. Signore
Samantha M. Sihpol
Emily L. Silhan
Carlos B. Silva
Daniella I. Silva
Robert A. Silva
Arthur Silva Pimenta
Omar Silverio
Haley V. Simmons
Shayne S. Simoncini
Camiryn D. Simpson
Xavier Sims
Akashdeep Singh
Annisa Singh
Bianca Singh
Brandon Singh
Harjot Singh
Harnoor Singh
Ivleen Singh
Jassjeet Singh
Julie N. Singh
Priya L. Singh
Ryan Singh
Shaan P. Singh
Simranpal Singh
Sukhpreet Singh
Shelby R. Skarren
Marisa D. Skurka
Samantha Slootmaker
Djuna Slort
Alexander J. Slovensky
Alexis Smith
Jessica E. Smith
Julie Smith
Kellie Smith
Pearce D. Smith
Shannon Smith
Madison G. Snuffer
Petter Soelberg
Emily L. Soffer
Saaim Sohail
Shival Sohan
Brooke L. Sokoloski
Kayla Solagnier
Jared M. Solid
Michael S. Sollicito
Benjamin R. Somerville
Madeleine G. Sonday
Hita Soni
Ngoi-Yin Soo
Michelle L. Sosa
Isabella Soto
Wessel T. Speel
Jennie Spellman
Isabella G. Spena
Loredana Spena
Madison Spence-Moore
Megan Spreen
Adam Springer
Bianca M. St. Onge
Kayla Stadeker
Joel T. Stafford
Benjamin Stailey
Tina S. Star
Tara R. Stark
Gerasimos Stathatos
Sofia P. Staub
Sarah Q. Stauffer
Lauren C. Stebbins
Sydney J. Stegmayer
Erin Steinert
Jennifer R. Stepancic
Audrey P. Stevens
Benjamin Stewart
Cassity L. Stewart
Sylvester K. Stewart
Matthew Stifelman
Jacob Stolz
Odessa A. Stork
Madison L. Storms
Blake Stoudt
Charley Stoudt
Emma Stroka
Stone Strongin
Storm M. Strongin
Paige F. Strout
Meijia Su
Preyasi Sudama
Man Ho Suen
Alyssa Suits
Aljo Sujak
Breanna T. Sullivan
Jolee N. Sullivan
Margaret C. Sullivan
Maria R. Sullivan
Matthew C. Sullivan
Chaowei Sun
Tao Sun
Kyran N. Sunday
Kyla Surajbali
Charleston Surprise
Stefania S. Sustic
Anja Suttner
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Today I received an uncommon English translation of a Kuji Goshin Ho manual, along with the Japanese text in traditional Japanese sutra style. This vid is about the Kuji and Haya Kuji in a traditional way. More information. Saved by.
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Scholars have stated that kuji is of Taoist origin, not Buddhist. To enter a famous mountain, choose an opening day, which can be determined by its cyclical binary. Hang silk of the five colors, each piece five inches wide, from a large rock, so that you may be sure to succeed in your goal. Furthermore, while entering the mountains you must know the Six-Chia secret prayer. It goes like: ' May the presiders over warriors be my vanguard! It means, 'May all evils flee me and the essential procedure present no trouble.
The kuji form a grammatically correct sentence in Classical Chinese. Other translations are possible as well, as variations exist in Japanese esoteric Buddhism. According to the Baopuzi, the kuji is a prayer to avert difficulties and baleful influences and to ensure things proceed without difficulty. How the kuji arrived in Japan is still a matter of debate. As to what the kuji consisted of at the time it arrived in Japan is unknown. Kuji is rumored to be a dangerous ritual if carried out without proper initiation.
The kuji formulas Kakuban introduces are commonly grouped under the title zokushu? It may be assumed that they were unfamiliar with the kuji or only considered them as part of a minor teaching. Regardless, the nine syllables of the kuji have developed several correlations and associations with religious and philosophical aspects of Japanese esoteric Buddhism.
There are numerous variations of the nine original Taoist kuji in Japanese Buddhism. Most of these variations occurred well after the introduction of the kuji into Japan. Some, however, are other Taoist formulas taken from Taoist writings and Buddhist sutras. The fact that the Taoist kuji are not seen in Japanese documents and writings until at least the s, and then not extensively until around the Edo and Meiji periods indicates that they were either not extensively practiced, or taught as kuden oral transmission.
However, the fact that so many koryu list the kuji in their makimono indicates it must have been considered an essential teaching goku-i.
Why the number nine is used has also been of concern to some. The Imperial Palace had nine halls, the celestial sphere has nine divisions, both in Buddhism and Taoism, heaven is 'nine enclosures' chiu ch'ung. Waterhouse, Whereas, kuji-ho refers to the entire ritual of kuji and encompasses the mudra, mantra and meditation. Kuji-kan nine syllable visualization , is a specialized form of Buddhist meditation. There are hundreds of mudras in Shingon alone. Many of these mudras are shared, however, many are not.
To further complicate this fact, there are also untold numbers of variations on a given mudra, and many mudras are associated with more than one deity or idea. Furthermore, a mudra may have more than one name, or one association depending on its purpose. The dualistic influence of inyogoku yin yang dualism is apparent only in respects to the mudra of certain kuji rituals. As stated earlier the kuji in and of itself is a simple prayer. Especially in regards to the first and last mudras, the mudras associated with the syllables 'to' and 'sha', 'kai' and 'jin'.
These mudras are obvious yin and yang counterparts. This is significant in that the concept of yin and yang is seen as encompassing all the cosmic phenomena, all eternity between the two polar opposites.
In fact, not only do these two related mudras represent the alpha and omega by themselves, but the two lions associated with them take this association a step further. The two lions are commonly seen outside the doors of Buddhist temples, where they stand as guardians against evil and baleful influences. The truth of things is that they are neither real nor unreal.
This description also applies to the next two mudra, gebbaku-in gesture of the outer bond and its immediate counterpart neibbaku-in gesture of the inner bound. In relation to yin and yang theory, the yang aspect is the light, masculine, positive, offensive, absolute, horizontal, left, forward, upward.
While the yin aspect is the dark, feminine, negative, defensive, relative, vertical, right, backward, down. The text compilation of texts appears to span a time period from the s on up to s and s. The Fuju shu lists rituals, 26 of them kuji-ho. The two particular techniques of ku-ji that are most directly related to budo, and most widely known are kuji hon-i Fuju Shu and kuji no daiji Fuju Shu Other groupings of deities exist as well depending on the sect and purpose of the kuji.
The related practice of making nine cuts— five horizontal and four vertical, alternating — in the air or palm of a hand with the finger or on paper with a brush is known as kujikiri , nine syllable cuts. Kuji-kiri is explained in Shugendo texts, quite correctly, as a preparatory ritual of protection, to cut off demonic influences and their inki vital substance Waterhouse, In Japanese folk-magic and onmyodo , the nine cuts are often made over writing or a picture, to gain control of the object named or pictured.
Thus, a sailor wishing to be protected from drowning might write them over the kanji for 'sea' or 'water'. Author and historian John Stevens notes that methods of oral sex using kuji-kiri were employed by practitioners of Tachikawa-ryu. The Fuju shu does not spell out every ritual in detail. However, in several of the kuji-kiri rituals it is spelled out that the strokes are made alternately horizontal and then vertical: five horizontal and four vertical for men; and four horizontal and five vertical for woman.
These are to be followed by four vertical slashes while reciting the in -syllables: pyo, sha, jin, zai which spells warriors, one formation, take position. The document gives no other information as to why this arrangement is used. Ku-ji itself is a very flexible practice that can be modified depending on the needs of the practitioner. The practice of ku-ji ho as found in Japanese esoteric Buddhism is a sanmitsu nenju concentrated three mysteries practice , and as such, consists of several dependent, integrated practices.
It can be practiced in the form of either of the two mandaras of esoteric Buddhism [mikkyo]. It is also used by other Buddhist sects, especially in Japan; some Taoists and practitioners of Shinto and Chinese traditional religion; and in folk-magic throughout East Asia. In general, simply offering incense, reciting the kuji with hands in gasho, and being mindful and present is sufficient to appease to Jia.
Angela Ho Chiu Yin
The Kuji-in practice symbolizes that all the forces of the universe are united against evil; because of this, it was often used by the common people for luck when traveling, especially in the mountains. Note that the syllables are shortened forms, and there are also longer, Japanese mantra that go with the same mudra. As to why there appears to be no correlation between the mudra and mantra and the representative deities is unknown at this time.
It is used at the end of the invocation to the god being sacrificed to anuvakya as an invitation to and for that God to partake of the sacrifice. It seems to be one of more common forms of the Buddhist possibly Shugendo kuji.
If the original source is discovered it will be made available. The index sometimes middle fingers are raised and pressed together. Mantra is, On baishiramantaya sowaka. Index finger and thumb raised and pressed together, middle fingers cross over index fingers and their tips curl back to touch the thumbs' tips, the middle-fingers' nails touching. Mudra is, daikongorin-in , 'seal of the great thunderbolt.
Mantra is, On ishanaya intaraya sowaka. Ring and pinky fingers are straight. Tips of ring fingers pressed together, tips of pinkies pressed together, but both sets of ring and pinky fingers are separated to form a V shape or bird beak. Index finger, pinky and thumb straight, like American Sign Language 'I love you'. All hail the swift thunderbolt of exalted strength, virtue, and glory! Utterly crush and devour! Mantra is, On aganaya in maya sowaka. Right hand grips index finger, and thumb is pressed onto left index's nail.
Mudra is, Chiken-in 'seal of the wisdom fist,' also known as 'seal of the interpenetration of the two realms. Mantra is, On irotahi chanoga jiba tai sowaka.
The yin and yang theory of kuji also carries over to kuji kiri. Often a tenth syllable is added at the end. Generally it is the mata [syllable] for victory, or 'to destroy'. Each of the nine syllables has a meaning that when integrated with the corresponding mudra, mantra, and visualization [corresponding deity] manifests sanmitsu kaji [grace, virtue, merit of the Three mysteries].
The deities most commonly called upon in mikkyo esoteric Buddhism, Vajaryana-tantra are deities of Hindu and Tantric origin, which are ultimately all emanations of Mahavairocana Dainichi Nyorai. A simple look at the ku-ji and their relation to the prescribed deities shows a very logical pattern. This is the other kuji ho that most directly deals with the martial arts, the most direct being the above kuji hon-i. In Fuju and which relates to the nine planets and Seven Northern Stars, the purpose of the kuji-ho is to obtain protection, as well as longevity; and the correlations with the nine planets and Seven Northern Stars.
The idea was to perform the ritual to remove bad or baleful influences which a particular star or stars might in exerting over at that time over a person in a particular age group, by converting it into an auspicious star, planet, and influence.
Zokushu is the earliest known Buddhist adaptation of the kuji. However, instead of the original nine Taoist syllables, Kakuban created a new set of nine syllables based on the mantra of Amida Nyorai. There are in fact several zokushu rituals that Kakuban designed.
Zokushu is based on Jodoshu [Pure land sect] and therefore the primary deity of worship is Amida Nyorai. Zokushu 5 gives lists the nine original Taoist syllables and gives a corresponding Japanese syllable.
The shuji themselves when placed in order of their corresponding kuji form no logical sentence or statement, and may represent Sanskrit bija, and, or Tantric deities, or, it may be a prayer. Without further evidence, no other conclusions can be made. It is unclear how this set of kuji is related to the Sanskrit bija Kakuban gives for the primary zokushu kuji, which is the mantra of Amida buddha. Another kuji formula is found in the writings of Jodo Shinshu , founded by Shinran , and is yet another mantra to Amida Nyorai which reads.
Vajrapani is associated with Acala who is venerated as Fudo-Myo and is serenaded as the holder of the Vajra. Rather these kuji and juji originated strictly within Japanese Buddhism is unlikely as Jodo Shinshu is, like many things in Japanese theology, influenced by Taoism.
And it is also safe to assume that both Kakuban and Shinran would have been familiar with the various Taoist kuji and juji formulas.
Kuji Goshin Ho
ACI 305-10 PDF
Stanley Ho Angela Ho Chiu Yin