1. A general guideline might be that a dollar-machine player might want to wait until he has played two to three hours and a $5 player perhaps a half hour before approaching a host. A couple who plays only quarters, but from morning to night, might want to consider doing so after one day of such heavy play.
  2. How do you hook up with a host at this time? One thing you can do is to go to the slot club desk and ask to speak to a host; usually one can be paged and will meet you right there at the booth. Some larger casinos have a host office somewhere in the casino (sometimes called a VIP office although any level of player could get information there.
  1. How Do You Host Casino Missions
  2. How Are Casino Hosts Paid
  3. How To Get A Casino Host Caesars
  4. How Do You Become A Casino Host

You know what, we’re just going to say it: we love our Casino Hosts. These friendly faces are always there to lend a hand — even when that means a high five after winning big. Get to know some of them and see why they’re truly the best at sea.


Either contact the player club/s where you intend to gamble and ask to talk to a host or do it in person once there. Host reps are assigned to all levels of players. They can answer your questions plus you'll establish a conversational relationship; if you don't get along. Thanks for the reply, Im not sure what I would expect from a casino host as Ive never had one, but it does seem that casino host will 'take care of you' and I dont mean exclusivly of comps. I would think if you have a casino host and they become familar with you, they may be more inclined to help you out like if you had a problem with your.

What kind of gifts have you guys given to your casino host before? Anything $50 and under doesn't have to be 'approved' by her boss so that's about the range I'm looking for. I've been a 'VIP' for about 1.5 years but didn't get her anything last year - never really thought of it.
She's a 50 y/o white female.

What kind of gifts have you guys given to your casino host before? Anything $50 and under doesn't have to be 'approved' by her boss so that's about the range I'm looking for. I've been a 'VIP' for about 1.5 years but didn't get her anything last year - never really thought of it.
She's a 50 y/o white female.

Regardless of what anyone claims, anything your host does is based on your play and play, in this case, is code for losses. If people want to believe otherwise or think that the host goes the extra mile for them then, I have a bridge for sale. If anyone has to think they're special to justify their losses who am I to burst their bubble? As one of our frequent posters likes to say 'never wise up a chump'. I'm certainly not calling anyone a chump for having a host or for tipping one, only for thinking they're special.
Your host should be the one giving you the gift. Think about that for a moment. Think about how a host gets paid by the casino. If I haven't talked you out of it, then let me answer your question.
Before you do anything, find out the casino's tipping policy. Do not give cash. It may be prohibited and it is awkward and tacky. The lady you describe should appreciate a gift card, chocolates, wine or a nice scarf. For some reason scarves always seem to pop up on these lists.
Is your tip a thank you, a bribe, you trying to follow protocol or a combination? I've mentioned in similar threads that a heartfelt handwritten letter to the casino praising your host will do wonders. Long after the gift card has been redeemed, the chocolates consumed, the wine drunk and the scarf has worn out or been lost, that letter will be remembered.
Many people, especially ignorant people, want to punish you for speaking the truth. - Mahatma Ghandi

I've mentioned in similar threads that a heartfelt handwritten letter to the casino praising your host will do wonders. Long after the gift card has been redeemed, the chocolates consumed, the wine drunk and the scarf has worn out or been lost, that letter will be remembered.

I feel its inappropriate but fortunately I'm too cheap to ever even have a host much less buy a host anything.
How to get a casino hostAs with Flea I have no experience in this matter. However, I consider myself a good 'tipper' in general so I'll comment with that in mind: If a host is just doing her normal job, giving you a room and/or food, a tip is not warranted. If you made her search on her computer for a half an hour (for what I don't know), or call people for 15-20 minutes, something that took up a chunk of her time, maybe something small is appropriate.
Edit: Didn't actually answer your question, got taken off task. I've seen 'gift card, not cash' elsewhere on this site, not sure if it was 1BB.
Its - Possessive; It's - 'It is' / 'It has'; There - Location; Their - Possessive; They're - 'They are'

Regardless of what anyone claims, anything your host does is based on your play and play, in this case, is code for losses. If people want to believe otherwise or think that the host goes the extra mile for them then, I have a bridge for sale.

I absolutely disagree with this. You can tip/bribe your way to better rooms/comps/free play.
It's true hosts have some general guide lines, but oftentimes they are very flexible and will over comp. Tipping them gives them incentive to be more flexible with you.
Well tipped Hosts can even help you out in tricky situations and give you great information.
Some have even helped known AP's in gaming the system even after knowing the AP's are winning players.
If you are a regular losing ploppy a gift probably isn't needed.
♪♪Now you swear and kick and beg us That you're not a gamblin' man Then you find you're back in Vegas With a handle in your hand♪♪ Your black cards can make you money So you hide them when you're able In the land of casinos and money You must put them on the table♪♪ You go back Jack do it again roulette wheels turinin' 'round and 'round♪♪ You go back Jack do it again♪♪
I gave my host at a tribal joint a bottle of booze.
ive given more then one host pairs of ferragamo shoes- it always gets me back way more then the cost

ive given more then one host pairs of ferragamo shoes- it always gets me back way more then the cost

You give $600 to $1000 shoes and get what? Walk me through it.
Do you call the host in advance, make a request and tell the host there's a pair of shoes in it for them? Do you show up, ask for an upgrade, get turned down, offer the shoes and then have your request granted? How else would you know if the bribe worked? Do you present the shoes upon checkout and then remind the host about them on the next visit?
The point is how do you know if the shoes worked or if you could have gotten some things just for the asking? If you're giving away thousands of dollars worth of shoes chances are you're a high roller and are already being taken care of.

How Do You Host Casino Missions

Many people, especially ignorant people, want to punish you for speaking the truth. - Mahatma Ghandi

How Are Casino Hosts Paid

dm me if you want to have this convo

I gave my host at a tribal joint a bottle of booze.

How To Get A Casino Host Caesars

Did you then take it back?

How Do You Become A Casino Host

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