Bumpy Johnson And The Queen

Ellsworth Raymond 'Bumpy' Johnson (October 31, 1905 – July 7, 1968) was an American drug trafficker in the Harlem neighborhood of New York City.

Johnson was born in Charleston, South Carolina on October 31, 1905, to Margaret Moultrie and William Johnson. When he was 10, his older brother Willie was accused of killing a white man. Afraid of a possible lynch mob, his parents mortgaged their tiny home to raise money to send Willie up north to live with relatives.[1] Johnson's nickname 'Bumpy' is derived from a bump on the back of his head.[2] As Johnson grew older, his parents worried about his short temper and insolence towards whites, and in 1919 he was sent to live with his older sister Mabel in Harlem. Johnson dropped out of high school and began working unruly jobs. Gangster William Hewett started to notice him. Johnson then began working for him and this was a beginning to his life of crime.[3]

Johnson was an associate of numbers queen Madame Stephanie St. Clair.[4] He became St Clair's principal lieutenant in the 1930s. Johnson and St. Clair aimed to start a war against New York mob boss Dutch Schultz. The fight resulted in more than 40 murders and several kidnappings. Eventually the fight on their end was lost, ending with a deal for Johnson.[5]

In 1952, Johnson's activities were reported in the celebrity people section of Jet.[6] That same year, Johnson was sentenced to 15 years in prison for a drug conspiracy conviction related to heroin.[7] Two years later, Jet reported in its crime section that Johnson began his sentence after losing an appeal.[8] He served the majority of that sentence at Alcatraz Prison in San Francisco Bay, California as inmate No. 1117, and was released in 1963 on parole.[9]

Boris Johnson's Chief Negotiator Says First Weeks of Brexit 'More Than Bumpy'. 12:06 GMT Living Their Separate Lives: Queen and Prince Philip Could Part.

Johnson was arrested more than 40 times and served two prison terms for narcotics-related charges. In December 1965, Johnson staged a sit-down strike in a police station, refusing to leave, as a protest against their continued surveillance. He was charged with 'refusal to leave a police station' but was acquitted by a judge.[10]


Johnson was under a federal indictment for drug conspiracy when he died of congestive heart failure on July 7, 1968, at the age of 62. He was at Wells Restaurant in Harlem shortly before 2 a.m., and the waitress had just served him coffee, a chicken leg, and hominygrits, when he keeled over clutching his chest.[1] Friend Frank Lucas claims to have been present (yet this has been refuted), and someone ran down the street to the Rhythm Club to get his childhood friend, Junie Byrd. When Byrd arrived, Lucas cradled Bumpy in his arms, and Johnson briefly opened his eyes and smiled, then fell into unconsciousness. He was taken, by ambulance, to Harlem Hospital where he was pronounced dead. He is buried in Woodlawn Cemetery in The Bronx, New York City.

Johnson married Mayme Hatcher just six months from their first time meeting each other. They were married in October 1948.[11] Johnson had two daughters, Ruthie and Elease, one of whom is from another relationship. His wife died in May 2009 at the age of 94.[12]

Margaret Johnson, the granddaughter of larger-than-life Harlem gangster Ellsworth 'Bumpy' Johnson who earned her own street stripes when she shot a mugger trying to rob her in her wheelchair, died. Quite the same Wikipedia.

Lord Frost, UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s Brexit policy representative, told the House of Lords EU Committee that London and Brussels had failed to achieve “friendly cooperation between sovereign equals”.

“We said ad nauseam last year during the negotiations that we wanted ‘friendly cooperation between sovereign equals’ as our vision of the future. And that is still what we want. I don’t think that’s been quite the experience of last few weeks, if we are honest about it”, he admitted.

Lord Frost said he believed the EU is still adjusting to the existence of a 'genuinely independent actor' nearby.

“None of those things are in themselves dramatic, although some have been very, very serious”, he said, talking about conflicts over vaccines, Northern Ireland, trade barriers, and diplomatic status. “I think it has been more than bumpy, to be honest, in the last six weeks. I think it's been problematic'.

The UK completed its separation from the EU on 1 January 2021 after more than a four-year delay caused by negotiations on the post-Brexit trade agreement. Several complications followed that, however. Northern Ireland remaining part of the European single market and customs union under the so-called Northern Ireland Protocol established a de facto customs border between Great Britain and the region, requiring certain products from the rest of the UK to undergo checks upon arrival to comply with EU requirements on food and animals. The UK region has already experienced delays in shipping and shortages in supermarkets.


Bumpy Johnson And The Queen

In another development, the European Union recently briefly activated Article 16 to bar coronavirus vaccines from entering the UK, amid shortages on the continent. This triggered a massive scandal, forcing European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen to announce a U-turn in the wake of a telephone conversation with UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson.

“I hope we’ll get over this. It is going to require a different spirit, probably, from the EU but I’m sure we are going to see that and see some of this subside as we go forward”, Lord Frost said.

Images Of Gangster Bumpy Johnson And The Queen

Minister for the Cabinet Office Michael Gove on Monday criticised the European Union for putting 'an integrationist theology ahead of the interests of the people of Northern Ireland', warning that unilaterally suspending aspects of the Brexit deal has consequences on the ground.

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